iConquer Guide Training
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Mac McCaleb
Prescott, AZ USA
SPECIAL NOTES - Team Challenge - May 2019
Hey Grand Canyon Guides,
Team Challenge is almost here! We need all hands on deck for the next few weeks while we finalize the details.
Alex is coordinating the SRA and RM/RM.
Nolan is coordinating RM/Rv.
ALL Questions/Comments go through them.
As always, Guide Resume's will be sent out the week prior. Alex and/or Nolan will be in contact with you to cover additional details and to reinforce the information below.
Thanks for being on the iConquer Team leading the Crohn's & Colitis Foundation hikes on the South Rim.
As you know, this team presents several challenges that we do not typically see on the trail. The staff at CCF has provided us with an general outline of considerations that should help us recognize warning signs or indicators that a client may be having an internal issue. They have also provided several websites that may contain additional useful information. All guides on the Team Challenge Adventures are required to review the information below.
Please print and keep a copy of this outline with your CUA and SOAP Notebook.
As always, the protocols established by the Park and iConquer take precedent in every case. You are only allowed to perform any medical response to the limit of your formal WFR, CPR & First Aid training. There is nothing in this information or outline that changes those protocols. The information below is provided by Team Challenge to help us understand the medical condition that most of the hikers are subject too. Use the info accordingly.
As always, use the organization's mission as a key to drive the team. In this case, it is IBD, Crohn's & Colitis. Read up & learn.
Assist clients with taking pictures. Due to liability issues, iConquer does not officially provide images taken by our guides to anyone. They are for internal use only. However, the client has requested that their guests take certain images of specific items along the trail. As usual, show the guests your hotspots and fav places and help them take good images.
GUIDE IMAGES - YOU are required to provide iConquer with a minimum of 50 images a day from your Team Challenge adventure. This year, all Year-end Holiday bonuses are based in part upon the quantity and quality of images you submit. Right now Sarah (Tuscany) and Run' (Iceland) are in the lead, Nolan (Grand Canyon) is close to the lead too.
Team Challenge Medical Conditions & Observations
As with ALL MEDICAL CONDITIONS, keep it PRIVATE! As is our standard protocol, IF any hiker has an urgent medical condition or situation that is NOT AN EMERGENCY, the first step is ALWAYS to isolate them from the rest of the group (for privacy) and then apply your standard interview and solution protocols to resolve the situation quickly and confidentially.
Ostomies – This is a medical appliance you are likely familiar with. Most if not all of our hikers will have one. Do your research and refresh your protocols about handling medical and emergency response that may be associated with this appliance and condition.
NOTE: Backpack straps can interfere with or block an ostomy appliance. Please assist your hikers with fitting their packs properly.
Heat & Hydration - Team Challenge hikers are more susceptible to dehydration than our typical hiker. It is key that you follow your protocols on fuel and electrolytes. NOTE: This hike will be much warmer than the October hike. Plan accordingly.
Consistent Fueling - Please add several additional stops to your trail plan to remind hikers to refuel. Typically, these patients don’t absorb nutrients or fluids in the same manner, so consistent and proactive fueling will help keep them safe and moving. Make certain to double down on this!
Pain Management – Team Challenge participants and patients typically live with a good deal of pain in their daily lives. Many simply ignore their thresholds and therefore have an abnormally high tolerance for pain and may not readily show symptoms. Research the indicators for this condition and factor your non-verbal observations and indications to assess the hiker and if need be, intervene with them with verbal questioning. As you know, rest is key when dealing with pain.
Signs to look for include:
Typical pain is stomach pain when eating, when dehydrated, with a blockage, in general.
Joint pain is very common with this patient population as well. It is usually disease and/or medication related.
Toilet Use and Frequency. A detailed listing of the location of toilet stops for the SRA drive AND on all trails has been provided to team members.
Driver/Guides - SRA - Follow your Master Resume enroute to Grand Canyon. Should anyone in your van require an additional toilet stop, follow our established protocols.
Trail Guides - SRA, RM-RM, RM-RVR - Team Challenge participants may need the use of a toilet more than 20x day. Please be mindful that your hikers may need assistance with locating a private(ish) place off the trail. FOLLOW ALL PARK RULES FOR THIS SITUATION.
Here is current list of hikers that Team Challenge has identified as having an ostomy appliance. Make a note on your hiker profiles and dossier.
Kenzie Mackin – Crohn’s disease and ostomy bag
Mercedes – ulcerative colitis
Christina – Crohn’s disease
Kate Cebry – Crohn’s
Jill – ulcerative colitis
Cynthia (Syd) – Crohn’s
Kevin – Crohn’s
Meghan – Crohn’s
Elaine – celiac - can have the same implications as UC and Crohn’s
Laura – Crohn’s
Chism – Crohn’s has an ostomy bag
Sarah – Crohn’s and anemia because of her Crohn’s
Team Challenge has provided several recommended readings to get a better understanding of their mission and this medical condition. Please familiarize yourself with them.
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